Va plac barbatii care poarta lenjerie super stramta ptr a-si tine presat bagajul?
Va plac barbatii care poarta lenjerie super stramta ptr a-si tine presate chestiile asa presate de nu se vede nimic, de zici ca sumt femei acolo jos chiar si cand poarta bikini?
- person HI
06 Iun 201712:34
My name is Julie kipkalya, i saw your profile today at ( interested in you, i willalso like to know you better, i want you to send an email to me so that i can send you mypicture for you to know who i am, AND I HAVE SOME THING VERY IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU.Here is my email address ( Hoping to hear from you soon.
Julie kipkalya
- person
"zambeste iar si priveste putin:orice pahar jumatate gol mereu e si jumatate plin"