evaluator Sibiu


Procedura de evaluare este complexa si este alcatuita din cercetari de piata, rationamente, culegere de informatii, analize si concluziile exprimate de expertul evaluator şi este realizată în concordanţă cu Standardele ANEVAR 2015

  • person HI


    My name is Julie kipkalya, i saw your profile today at (forum.ele.ro)became interested in you, i willalso like to know you better, i want you to send an email to me so that i can send you mypicture for you to know who i am, AND I HAVE SOME THING VERY IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU.Here is my email address (juliekipkalya@gmail.com) Hoping to hear from you soon.
    Julie kipkalya

    06 Iun 201712:46